
My State Fair Award!


I decided to enter a quilt in the State Fair of Virginia this year and I picked my Snapshots quilt for the honor. πŸ™‚ I packed it up and drove up to Richmond with my mom to drop it off. We successfully dropped the quilt at the fair and then decided to hit at least one quilt shop on the way home. We chose Quilting Adventures in Richmond pretty much at random. It’s the cutest little shop! They have a ton of gorgeous quilting fabrics plus all the accessories. They even had a small section of cross stitch supplies. I ended up buying some fat quarters that I used for a class at the Sew Virginia Beach retreat, plus some perfect backing fabric for a Halloween quilt I’m planning to make. It was a fun little day trip! πŸ™‚

I thought about packing the kids into the car and taking them up to the fair, but we never could make it work with our schedule, so I didn’t see the results until the fair published them on their website a few days later. I didn’t get a ribbon and I was fine with it because I saw some of the competition and those were some beautiful quilts!

My husband went to pick the quilt up for me because we were having another crazy schedule week. When he got there, he sent me this photo and asked what the ribbon meant.


I started searching the internet and found the NACQJ website. I found out it means the National Association of Certified Quilting Judges and here’s a page explaining the ribbon: CJ Award of Merit. I’m so excited to have my quilt win this award! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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